The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Lost among 18,000 students in the early 60s. Cannot imagine what it is like today. Except, I now get to enjoy 'white-outs' from the Mt. Nittany Club in the south endzone. PSU was the best jumping off point for a 37 year career with the USAF: 15 as officer-pilot (F-102/T-33) and 22 as a civil service (General)engineer. Travel: Philippines, South Vietnam, Thailand, Korea, Okinawa, Taiwan, Great Britain, Iceland, Texas, Arizona, California, Florida, Virginia, New Mexico, and Washington, DC. It included missions over Laos; intercepting Soviet Bear bombers over the N. Atlantic; hands off, ground computer landing on White Sands; managing rocket sled tests; work on tri-service Test and Evaluation panels; USAF and SecDef staff duties at the Pentagon. Retired in Florida 2002, now reside in the home I helped build as a teenager and young adult. Enjoying Centre County, PSU and State College area more than ever. Specially with the greatest love of my life, Myrtle. We travel each chance we get, to Florida and other winter warm climes. Specially for bowl games. which Myrtle loves, too!